Monday, 22 March 2010

ooohh…. scary! Little Blue Ghost with hair like Sonic the Hedgehog…

I’m officially a GCSE student… i gave in my Options Form on Friday!! i have picked the following

German (French reserve)

Art and Design and Geography (Music reserve after an invite from the music Dep. to take Music)

Textiles (Resistant Material reserve. there is no hope in hell i’m taking graphics as a second choice…)

Scary huh? ooohhh….

anywayssss…… i had a Head last saturday. we came SECOND out of eight… we were quite pleased, tad bit disappointed, the winners were only 20 seconds ahead… :( oh well!!! NEXT TIMEEEE

went to Thorpe Park yesterday… HAHA! the Video is of me at Thorpe Park, if it loads then feel free to watch it!

Just gonna give a shout out to a very special person. Hi Jake!! If you’re reading this, keep updated and tell your mates i write online, want to get this across the world!!

sooo…… what have you been up too? Comment bellow pleassseee!!

Its Tom’s birthday tomorrow… fun! i got him 12 cakes… as in cupcakes not full sized cakes… god he isnt fat! get that image out your head you mean people! Jeeeese!

ok now i have no idea what to say. even though SOOO much has happend! well… not really!

so im going to go, im going to search for interesting things to do with my life

ill leave you with this



I’m a little teapot short and stout… her’s my handle here’s my… oh bugger i’m a sugar bowl….

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Aw Bless….

Yesterday was odd, rowing was normal as usual but it was when we went to the cinema after. I mean, i had my arm on the armrest (well duh, that is what it is there for! resting your arm!) and he kept fidgeting so every now and then he brushed his leg against my hand, and i kept flinching! nothing happened though, i did point out to him that Mary and Tom were hugging and we sat there in giggle fits!

Alice in Wonderland was amazing though, it is so worth paying the extra few quid to see it in 3D. my favourite character was the Cheshire Cat, he just seemed like he was High on Crack or something! hahhaaa.

Ollie seemed really upset about Mary and Tom though, he didn't really say anything on the way home, bless him. Mary didn’t tell him about her current relation, so he is a bit upset. he’s a tough cookie, he’ll get over it, i still feel i should have done something though…

i have Nationals this Friday, i get to skip school to go do Rowing, its great! Then i skip cool again on Tuesday to go do more rowing!!! I'm beginning to really like this!!! ha. i’m so tried now though, i’m going to go and put a movie on! talk to you all again soon.




p.s, i’m called Mags cos my friend Kat said… Alrite Maggie?  and i was like … if you like, she said… well your middle name is Margaret isnt it? or do you prefer Madge, and i was like… NO! Maggie is good, so i changed it to Mags, cos i lke Mags better than Maggie and Mags is a shorter version of it! :D hhahaaa

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


OK… OK! i am reeeaaaaly excited! sooo many things happaning at once!!!

One. Alice in Wonderland is released this Friday! and i’m going to go see it on Saturday with this guy i like, and Mary, Tom, Ollie and Becky!! WOOOO!

Two. PHANTOM OF THE FRICKEN OPERA IS IN THE THEATRE IN WOKING FOR LIKE…. A YEAR!! it’s first show is tonight and goes on for almost everyday until February 26th 2011! it’s out on my birthday!!! i am sooooo going!

Three. PHANTOM OF THE FRICKEN OPERA’s SEQUEL IS OUT ON THE 16th!!! but i’m slightly upset about it as i can’t go, it’s on the night i’m doing a special St. Patrick’s Day thing at the Guides Hut… blaah!

Four. IT’S ST. PATRICK’S DAY ON THE 17th!!! wooo, i’m gonna take a whole load of red bull to school and get hyper! (i was gonna take alcohol but if i get caught… well, lets just say you’ll be seeing me on a cashier at Tesco’s….)

Five. it’s Tom’s birthday on the 23rd!! and i’m gonna get him 6 Mupcakes as a pressie/birthday cake!! i might ask Sevvy to put happy Birthday Sheila on some of them… (he is Australian) haha.

errrr….. i think that is it…. all the other things are important, but later on this year so i’m not so excited about them….

The next thing i’m gonna be excited about ti the fact that Alice in Wonderland is released on DVD in 6 (or 16… can’t remember) weeks instead of 8 (or 18). i’m so getting it on Blu-Ray, it’s gonna be amazing. It’s gonna be really odd sitting in the cinema with this guy though, i mean, we are going to be there, in 3D Glasses, and i’m gonna have my eyes glued to the screen (i’m so obsessed it’s insane! i know the whole cast list off by heart!!) and if he tries to make a move, i probably won’t even realise!!! hahahaha

Oh well

Wish me luck anyway!

Talk again soon



p.s…. I’M SO EXCITED!!!