Saturday, 14 November 2009

Uughhh Im so tired!

I can't be bothered to do anything right now. apart from this. I'm so tired. i went rowing this morning, and i was in a double with 'him' again. i didn't ask him out as such, i just asked him on a date, sorta. we might be going to Guildford next Saturday! yay! I'm moving along!! it was really cold this morning, it was tipping it down and me and him got so cold! we went in after that then he disappeared, then he reappeared, then he disappeared again. then reappeared for the second time just to find his mum then he went home. i was doing a 10km piece when he left. i did it in just under an hour!! i was quite pleased with myself!!
Ive gotta help my mum at this stupid clothe thing tonight. CBA! i wanna go to bed! at least Jess A is giving me a hand with it. if she weren't there I'd either die of boredom or run out screaming! i have a slight phobia of Elderly People. they give me the shivers. my coach at rowing scared me so much today, he said.... they were all your age once.
omg i almost ran away crying! it was dreadful! i hate it! ahhhh! I'm being honest when i say this but i reeeeally don't like old peoples homes. i don't know how I'm gonna be able to sing a concert at one on the 15th December!
I've ha a towel on my head for the past two hours, i CBA to take it off, its keeping my head warm! i was trying to fix my webcam earlier, it wasn't working on MSN but it was working on the Webcam Settings thing and its watching me now and stuff but MSN doesn't wanna cooperate with it! grrrr! Ryan has had his hair cut, and straightened! its cute! he kept smiling on webcam and he has a cute smile so i told him and now hes saying that he is a (quote) Ugly mother Fudger
WTH? Fudger? Ryan is so weird, he keeps combing his hair and i told him to stop cos its girlyish!!
Sorry bout not writing, Ive been busy.
In fact i need to go and sort out my hair before Jess gets here for tonight!
i think this is the shortest blog i have written since Ive started! so with that i will say
Auf Wiedersehen
Au Revoir
Adios Amigos



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