Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Okay, be prepared! this will probably be my longest blog ever!

Okay i am going to type as much as possible in the time length of my 20-30 min break!! haha! wish me luck

Ok so i ahvent writen in a while and i have a lot to say but ill try and make it brief. Rowings been great, it was hailing on Saturday two weeks ago and Natalie and some others were in the quad just as it started! the wind was so bad that it blew a boat off its rack and snapped it in two places! thank god it wasn't one of the really expensive ones! Sunday i don't really remember! School's been fun despite last week being one of the most boring weeks ever (for no particular reason, it was just boring!) i got two detentions for one night! fuun! on Wednesday in french i walked up to my french teacher and handed her my diary, she said
why are u giving me this? i said
i haven't done my homework she said
why haven't you done your homework? i said
i have had a very stressful and busy week and i simply forgot to do it (i had ran out of excuses so i told the truth lol) she said
OK then took my diary.
if she was nice she would have let me off, instead she gave me a half an hour detention. Thursday, Miss Bennett (Frau Schaf - Mrs Sheep) gave me a 15 min detention for laughing at some kid getting hit in the balls! haha! oh well! Thursday was funny, i fell asleep in History (for the 3rd time in 2 weeks, i think i'll go for a world record!!) and my mates were drawing i love Toby and Toby is Buff etc etc. then he saw all of this at rowing... btw Ive just told you his name! i don't care anymore! everyone knows now, due to a certain convo two weeks ago it has now passed round half the world! oh well! Natalie is gonna go up to him and say something along the lines of
Amy really likes you but is to nervous to ask you out
kind of thing, shes gonna slip it into the convo, i hope! i won't see him on Thursday as I'm going to Birmingham tonight (exactly why I'm typing now and not tomorrow!) i'm going home ASAP today as i need to leave the house at quarter to 4 so that we don't get stuck in traffic! i wont be back till Thursday night and i have a singing concert with the school that night anyway so...
i cant wait for tomorrow night, as you've just read I'm, going to B'Ham and I'm, going to the CLOTHES SHOW! AHHH! I'm going with my mum and I'm going shopping! wooo! then I'm going to another concert on the 15th then on the 17th I'm going to BASEMENT JAXX!! i can't wait. this is more exciting then Christmas altogether! ha oh and i don't think i told you but my braces will get removed the DAY BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY! wooo! only 27 days till they're removed and only 28 days till my Birthday! Sigh
I've ran out of things to say...
Oh, i'm going to Walton Small Boats on Saturday and i'm in a double with this girl called Flo... We have NEVER been in a bout together so i'd like to see how long it will take for us to Capsize! haha!
OMG Sunday i started crying at my dance comp! my mum has been having a go at me saying things like
If you don't quit dancing you will be doing rowing and Dancing badly!
grrr.... anyway, Sunday was meant to be my last comp then i'd quit but after what happened....
the basics are if you start a step on the left leg you finish on the right and vice versa right? no i wasn't following that during my reel! i was doing the wrong steps, finishing on the wrong leg, making it up as i go along etc etc (ON THE STAGE! ha) and i got a 2nd place for it! haha! then i got called out for 1st PLACE IN MY TREBLE REEL!
i was standing there with my hand over my mouth, shocked and getting tearful! then i couldn't help it and i started crying! one of the other judges gave me a tissue and the whole room (of 1oo+ people!) started "aww" ing me! oh well! at least that shows whether or not i will quit dancing or not!
Anyway i got to go! ill type again when i get back! seeyu on Friday!



Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Embarrassment, Ice, School fights and complete and utter EXCITEMENT!

OK, before i start my blog today i am going to tell you that i have decided to write this weekly rather than everyday as i no longer have the time to do it! right down to business!

Last night was funny. Natalie and Claudia's dad has injured his hand right, he then got it infected and is now in hospital. last night there was a lot of traffic coming from Guildford and their mum wouldn't have been able to pick them up from rowing in time so being the good Samaritan! i went to go pick them up with my mum. i wasn't rowing last night because i went dancing instead! so i went down to rowing with my mum to pick them up to find them on the floor, in pain, doing stretches. the only people there last night were Alex, Ant, Natalie and Claudia (well, they were the only ones i saw!) when i came in the first thing Alex said to me was
"so Amy, how was your date on Saturday?"
i was in fits! i went bright red and had to run into the lounge where they couldn't see me! they kept shouting it! according to Natalie, they were talking about it earlier when i wasn't there! Natalie said that one Saturday night when He arrived home, Ant was there and when he asked how it was he went bright red like i did! and now my Coach knows!!! AHHHH! now he's gonna come up to me and ask me how He is! ugh! ....

So Saturday was a laugh! we ended up Ice Skating rather than Bowling as when we went to go book a lane they said they were full until 6pm! which was when we were going home so we just went ice skating instead! i was the last one to fall over! yay!
Natalie fell over first, then He did, then i did! yay i won! Colin didn't show up! Natalie was HONESTLY petrified of the ice so me and Him spent more time together!

Today in PE i had this fight with this cow of a girl! i mean she looks like one and sounds like one too! we were doing Netball and being the only one in set 3 who qualified for the C Squad of Heathside's Netball Team everyone else was crap! and I'm not trying to boast! it was really hard for me to help others as i have to wear a gum shield due to my braces! me and this Cow girl were having a nose to nose argument about a foul! stupid bitch!

I'M GOING TO GO SEE BASEMENT JAXX!!! on the 17Th of December! WOOOOO! I'm going with Natalie and Jess A! my babysitter Jo is taking us there! it's my birthday present! YAY! i can't wait! and that's not the only amazing Birthday present i get this year! my braces get removed the DAY BEFORE my birthday!

Right, I'm going back to bloody science now! FUUUUNN!! were doing something about sound and light or something! i don't know! i text Natalie throughout! i don't pay attention!

Oh by the way, I'm asking him out on Thursday if he shows up! ha! I'm really gonna do it! i am! don't think i won't!

I gotta go!




Wednesday, 18 November 2009


I'm soooo sorry! i haven't written since last Saturday! what the hell??? Anyway here i am writing to you again. This Saturday is gonna be so exciting!
I'M GOING ON A DATE WITH HIM!!! AHHHH! well it isn't reeeaaly a date so i shouldn't really call it that its more of a social outing! well me him, Natalie and Colin are going bowling at Guildford Specturm after rowing this sat! i cannot wait! it's going to be amazing!

Aaannywaaay... i had a MASSIVE fight with my little brother this morning! i asked him to turn off a light and he had a huge go at me! we were literally scratching at each other, kicking punching, pulling each others hair. he was swearing and when i told him that Denise next door, who is only in year 2, might wake up co she was swearing he just shouted that he didn't give a fuck about her. and then he didn't even care when i said that her parents might come round and have a go at him! he is such a little bastard sometimes!

I have fallen asleep in five lessons this week! that is almost a whole day of school! one more lesson of sleeping and i have completed a whole day of school lessons in sleep! haa. i fell asleep in:
Monday ~ History
Tuesday ~ Math lesson 1 and Math Lesson 2
Wednesday ~ Math and French
i have taught myself to sleep with my eyes open so i can just dose off in lessons and the teacher doesn't notice! anyway, scientists have proved that you learn better when you are sleeping!
This Friday at school we have to come in wearing Blue for the Anti-Bulling Week. its gonna suck cos i have no attractive blue clothing to wear! hahaha. not that I'm trying to impress anyone, i just don't want to look like a complete and utter retard!

Hopefully Natalie will get some pictures of the Annual Dinner Dance on her Blog. It was such a great party, i wish i could have gone. i almost lost it with Him though. i sent Natalie a text asking for her to take a picture of Him cos i wanted to see what he looked like in a suit. and His older brother read it over her shoulder and then nicked her phone and showed the WHOOOLE table, including Him. apparently he just smiled! AWKWARD! and i wasn't even there! major embarrassment if he comes rowing tomorrow! oooh!

Anyway i need to go and if i say Anyway one more time I'm gonna have to shoot something!
Anyway... (grrr) i need to go as a lot of people need to use the computers... very busy in here today and I'm very hungry!

Seeya Later!!!




Saturday, 14 November 2009

Uughhh Im so tired!

I can't be bothered to do anything right now. apart from this. I'm so tired. i went rowing this morning, and i was in a double with 'him' again. i didn't ask him out as such, i just asked him on a date, sorta. we might be going to Guildford next Saturday! yay! I'm moving along!! it was really cold this morning, it was tipping it down and me and him got so cold! we went in after that then he disappeared, then he reappeared, then he disappeared again. then reappeared for the second time just to find his mum then he went home. i was doing a 10km piece when he left. i did it in just under an hour!! i was quite pleased with myself!!
Ive gotta help my mum at this stupid clothe thing tonight. CBA! i wanna go to bed! at least Jess A is giving me a hand with it. if she weren't there I'd either die of boredom or run out screaming! i have a slight phobia of Elderly People. they give me the shivers. my coach at rowing scared me so much today, he said.... they were all your age once.
omg i almost ran away crying! it was dreadful! i hate it! ahhhh! I'm being honest when i say this but i reeeeally don't like old peoples homes. i don't know how I'm gonna be able to sing a concert at one on the 15th December!
I've ha a towel on my head for the past two hours, i CBA to take it off, its keeping my head warm! i was trying to fix my webcam earlier, it wasn't working on MSN but it was working on the Webcam Settings thing and its watching me now and stuff but MSN doesn't wanna cooperate with it! grrrr! Ryan has had his hair cut, and straightened! its cute! he kept smiling on webcam and he has a cute smile so i told him and now hes saying that he is a (quote) Ugly mother Fudger
WTH? Fudger? Ryan is so weird, he keeps combing his hair and i told him to stop cos its girlyish!!
Sorry bout not writing, Ive been busy.
In fact i need to go and sort out my hair before Jess gets here for tonight!
i think this is the shortest blog i have written since Ive started! so with that i will say
Auf Wiedersehen
Au Revoir
Adios Amigos



Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Bored outta my mind and i am now not single....???

OK? i have just learnt that i am going out with my prom date? i had no say in this and rumours are going round that me and Tom are a thing. not weird at all is it? mega weirdness.
OMG we had the bleep test in PE today! i got up to level 7.4 but we're telling everyone that i got to level 8.6! lol. Jess got 5.1 but we say she got to 7.7 and Mary got 4.3 (asthma kicked in) so we say she got to 8.1! very very very hyperactive PE lessons! me and Mary had a Lucozade energy tablet before hand and i was literally jumping down the stairs into the hall! then when it came to the Bleep test it had ran out of energy and we were mega tired!
Oh correction from my previous post. Henry was saying that he was pounding my mum and not banging! heehee
I'm gonna ask him out. I'm just gonna go up and ask him. this Saturday, maybe Thursday. Natalie i don't care what you say about the whole pretend nothing happened and play hard to get. i want to find out if he likes me or not and the only way to find out is to ask him out.
I'm really nervous but its about time! i mean 5 months is a long time to decide whether or not i should ask him so i should step up and ask for something i really want!

Still haven't found out if Dom has a six pack yet so our bet still stands. I'm gonna have to get a new dare for me if i lose though because I'm gonna ask him on Thursday, but more likely Saturday. eeeek! a wrote this letter that i was going to give him last Sunday, but he wasn't there cos he was camping with scouts the night before, and cos he wasn't there i took it home again and put it under my pillow. i have three pillows right, and i only put a cover on the top one so the other two don't have covers. i came home yesterday to find the other two pillows with covers on, which means someone has been in my room, put covers on my pillows and found the letters, cos mum was the only one in the house at the time that would have been interested in this letter i suspect that she has read it! cringey! she hasn't said anything about it so she is trying to make out that she hasn't found it, or she is going to go to his dad and tell him about it! ahhhh!

Annnnwayyy. i have got to go. CBA to write anything else ATM but i'm going to the LRC tonight and i might write a bit more later.

See ya



Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Henry is Legend!

Ha, English is rave! Henry keeps saying i get horny during English but it is actually him! he kept showing me his sexually related facial expressions! almost wet myself i was laughing so hard! and someone had one of those laser light things that teachers use to point out things on the board (Natalie- that Jeremey guy form Weybrdige Physio was using one on Thursday) and they pointed it to Mr Gould's head and shouted out
"Shave Here"
i almost fell off my chair when Henry said "I'm banging your mum" and he kept hitting my leg with his chair so without thinking i said "stop banging my leg!" and we were both in fits of laughter! Mr Gould almost gave us a detention but we got away with it!
Math this morning with Miss Chow was quite funny too, not as funny as English but still. actually second math lesson (which I've just come from) was more hilarious than this mornings lesson cos i was trying to write the lyrics to a particular Phantom of the Opera song called Think of Me and i couldn't get it right so i gave up and then i sang it and i got it right! Weird huh? then i heard this beep and it sounded like my phone and me, Will and Daryl all checked our phones because we all have the same phone! double weird!

i love u Amy (that was Henry by the way the Legend!)
Got to go to It now. if we go on the computers I'll continue writing if not I'll see you guys wireless tomorrow!



Monday, 9 November 2009

Henley Sculls and Hair with Mojo!

Ha Lame!
Henley sculls was on Saturday! majooorr cringeyness! I've just made up a word! coool!
anyway, awkwardness in a boat when i told him. well i kinda didn't tell him. I said to him
"how did you figure out that i liked you?"
he then said
"well, i don't know"
but he said it in a -'i don't know how to tell you'- kinda way so i decided to change the subject!
according to Naaataaliee, when she was walking up to the start line with Ben, Ant and James... Ben and Ant were talking about how he should ask me out. Natalie told me this and i went so red it was insane! i felt the heat radiate off my face!
It was very funny at Henley though, they left my boat in Weybridge!! there were four singles (five including mine) and they are called
Hummingbird -Alex's (Div 3)
Teresa - His! (Div 3)
Run a-Wey -Will's (Div 2)
Tear a-Wey -Harriet's (Div 3)
and my one, Urging Amy

Sooo because Urging Amy wasn't there i went in Teresa, 'He' went in Hummingbird and Alex went in Run a-Wey! i mean, i didn't i just go in Run a-Wey instead of swapping all these people? oh and by the way, Will had rowed earlier so it didn't matter if someone went in his boat!
I got the slowest time in my division! but i did crash into a wall and it took me bout two mins to get away from it! my time was 18:53! i came third out of three! 'He' came first because he was the only one in his division.
i wasn't only the last one to cross the finish line time wise, i was the last one over the finish line because i was the last number of the day! 481 people were racing on Saturday and i had to be the very number that is 481! how typical! i got home, had a shower, was on the phone to Jess A for an hour then i went to bed!


Went rowing, 'He' wasn't there cos he was camping with scouts! heehee
i unloaded boats, cycled to Walton bridge and back, then cycled around Desbourgh island before going back to my house, getting changed and going to Jess A's house to do some history homework! Very funny, we were so hyper it was crazzzzy!
He went to the War Memorial in Walton, took a few pics, did a little bit of early Christmas shopping and went back to hers. we went on facebook to find that the one and only William Dryden added me on it! We were pissing ourselfs! it was so funny! then Jess kept saying the advert for the L'oreal advert with Cheryl Cole! It's got it's Mojo back! haahaaa! anyway I'm late in have to go! I'll explain tomorrow when i have more time!

Friday, 6 November 2009

OMG I'm such a pathetic excuse for a girl!

I can't believe it! I didn't tell him! i didn't even like, say hi or anything! i kind of had a conversation with him but the whole room was part of it too! So, i have decided that when me and him are going to the top of the race course in our boats tomorrow, i will tell him. no-one we know will be rowing with us because me and him are the only ones in our age group. i will tell him then. no help from Natalie, no help from various people on my phone, just me and him. i don't know what to say to him though, if you read this before tonight, add a comment bellow and I'll read what you think i should say. I'm telling him tomorrow at 2pm, so if you have my phone number text me ideas too! just to let you know i MAY end up telling him earlier cos I'm gonna be there with him from 9:30am till 3pm! text or leave a comment ASAP as i need your help!

Going to Natalie's tonight.
She's taking me to Henley Royal Head tomorrow morning to race and my Mum and Dad aren't able to take me at this moment in time so I'm staying over Natalie's tonight and then she's gonna take me to the comp! unfortunately, Natalie's race is at 10:30am and mine is at 2pm and the competition is 2 hours away so she can't even go home! Oh well, me and her are going to do ergo training tonight on her Concept 2 Ergo! yay! ergo's are fun! I think we are having Spaghetti Bolegnese for dinner! Miam Miam! (that was french! look it up!)

I'm bored!

I'm going now!

I'm going my previous posts now!




Thursday, 5 November 2009

Scary Skinny Six Pack Kids......

I'm in the LRC, on my own! Mary is outside having lunch and I'm writing my blog. Of course, I'd much rather be here then outside at the moment. it's too cold! even though i can't really feel the cold if I'm wearing a skirt and no tights, i get really cold hands and nose and it is very hard for me to arm up so i decided to stay inside for now!
Natalie! I've just had a thought. it's weird but your the one going on about the 'Scary Skinny Six Pack Kids' so here is a name for if me and 'Him' ever had kids! how about...
lol. Imagine that? I would actually murder myself if 'He' said it was a good idea to call our son that! Nerves for tonight though! I'm not backing out, I'm gonna tell him. well, have a full blown conversation about it anyway. ill keep an eye out on his body language and if he blushes, looks away or tries to change the subject i know he like me too! After tonight, and all goes well, I'll consider uploading a picture of him onto here! But that is only if all goes well. if a picture does go up I'll also reveal his name then all the people who do not understand the joke i just made about the name Jefferey you will know why it is funny!

Natalie, forget the Children in Need! I'm gonna do 188 miles for Save the Whale Week! That is the distance from North Kessock, where my dolphin Mischief was last spotted, to John O'Groats!

Anyway, breaks over, I'll write again tomorrow!

Love you


p.s eek! I'm late!


Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Day 2, Half Term 2 of the Autum Term!

Ughhhh! I'm still at school! no wait that makes no sense! it sounds like i have stayed here overnight, which i haven't! Mary and i are sitting next to each other writing our Blogs! Oh and if you don't know what the BLUESCREEN OF DEATH is here is what it looks like! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

we've just had PE! in the cold outside world! we were doing circuits. Mary and I were in a pair and we started at the step-up blocks and we both got over 30! yay! we did so many boring ones but we did this one called Ski Jumps and i did 96! no one believes me! apart form Mary, she couldn't be bothered so she only did 42! ha. then again her asthma was kicking in at that point so i don't blame her!

We have friends called Ollie and Tom, one of which has a crush on MARY!! hee hee! Anyway, Ollie made up this thing called the Jiggle Factor! ooer... they rated Mary, maybe me but unlikely, on how much our bassoomas 'Jiggled' when we were jumping or running, depending on the circuit we were doing! all we heard was things like "7".... "3"....."9".... etc etc. accoriding to Ollie, my boobs aren't big enough for him! or, they aren't attractive! ha, i'll leave that opinion to R... never mind.

Going to next lesson, finish this at lunch.......

Hello again!

Just had science and we are doing living organisms and adaptations etc. we were watching that TV show Life which is on every Monday at 9pm on BBC 1. it was about reptiles and amphibians. there was this little Brazilian Pygmy Gecko which id no bigger than a fingernail which lives in the rainforest, it can drown in a single rain drop! but it can't drown because it's skin is Hydrophobic and it is so light it is the only known animal to actually 'Stand' on water! What the hell? i am talking about Gecko's! aaaanyway. before we were allowed to go we had to right one fact for five different animals and i said to my teacher, Mrs Thorpe (yes like Thorpe park, don't worry we already have that nickname for her!)

"Mrs Thorpe, i was watching QI the other night and Stephen Fry asked the Panel 'how do Hedgehogs mate?' and a guy on the Panel said 'Carefully'"

Mrs Thorpe laughed and said a hedgehog is a good example for and Adaption fact! heehee!

We've got science again after lunch, it's a double lesson with lunch in between so my bag is still in the classroom!

OMG I've just remembered that i have to take my Gum shield to rowing on Thursday cos i told 'Him' that I'd show it too him. he doesn't believe that i can't talk when I'm wearing it! heeeee! i still can't wait till Thursday! i could have seen him last night but i went to dancing and fell over various times! I'm considering quitting dancing cos i really do need to start getting more involved with rowing. if I'm going to take this sport seriously then I'm gonna have to choose. and I'm not saying this to see 'Him' more! I'll give dancing one more year and I'll decide what I'll do this time next year, maybe even earlier!

OK, I'm stretching this out reallllly far and maybe i should stop. I'll write again tomorrow!

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Ha! i'm at school.... again!

Ok.... I'm grounded! Woop di doo! life is amazing! i am grounded for god knows how long so the only time i can write to you guys is here at school! it was all because my mum caught me on my phone just before i got out of bed this morning. i was turning off my alarm so that it wouldn't go off whilst i was getting changed yet my mum thought i was texting! sooo, she took my phone and decided to look through my texts! greeeat! Natalie, don't worry it wasn't your fault! it was my fault! i was the one who started talking to you at 10pm last night! dear oh dear! Jesus I'm so bored here at school. first day back and we have two lessons of Math! Funnnn! at least i did my German homework in my German lesson! so, i have no homework so far! but i do have a Geography test... on rainforest's! and i haven't revised! i never do unless its SATs or important exams. and even then i don't revise that much! i have found out that if i revise i get lower marks because i put pressure on myself to get the information into my head! so i don't bother with revising! i can finally show off my new portfolio at school, it arrived a few days ago and its fabulous! all my textiles stuff id in there as well as a little bit of art work! Blah, i can't believe I'm wasting my break by writing this. then again i don't really care cos I'm not hungry and i don't feel like telling my friends the REAl reason why I'm grounded! heehee. no I'm not telling you either!

Right I'm gonna talk to Him on Thursday! I'm gonna tell him myself. even though i kinda did tell Him on Saturday... well i said it under my breath and he didn't hear me! nervous...

I'm going to go find my friends, not that you guys aren't my friends, just you read this over the Internet and they are right outside! right I'm gonna shut up now! ill write again tomorrow.

Love you guys!



Sunday, 1 November 2009

Two Crazy Hyper Neon Phaeries and a Viking

Halloween... i went as a Viking! it was fun! We went with Jess's little brother George! it was his first ever Halloween and he went as a Vampire. he was so cute! his little costume and red lipstick down his down to look like blood! it was ADORABLE! Jess and Ellie went as Neon Phaeries. in tutus and fishnets! and Jess was in a corset that was to small for her. i think she was trying to find a chavvy boyfriend and the street! We got quite a lot of sweets as well! i mean cos I'm older i didn't get loads but i got a few. It was still fun.
Afterwards we went back to Jess's house for ta and a sleepover. we had ribs and i couldn't eat them without getting my hands covered in grease and meat in my brace! then my elastic snapped in my mouth! ow! then my other elastic snapped upstairs just after i put a new one on the one that snapped. then this morning another one snapped! Jeese! We watched half of Phantom of the Opera and then we watched Tormented which scared the bloody hell out of our heads and we didn't want to leave each other! then we watched half of Team America before turning the TV off and we talked from 1:30 to 5am!
I was glad i wasn't going to Rowing this morning, it was raining, i was tired and i really couldn't be bothered to go to load boats onto a trailer! OH JESUS! WAS MY BOAT LOADED? I DON'T KNOW! OH NOOOOO! NATALIEEEE PLEASE SAY IT WAS LOADED!
I went rowing yesterday. i was in a double. with the boy i like. it. was. incredibly.awkward! we didnt say anything to each other for the whole session untill... we were doing this timied piece and we got back down to the Canoe Club and we were told to go back in to the Rowing Club to get breakfast. it wasn't until then did we start talking. and we were tlaking about PE teachers and teachers with weird names at school! then after breakfst me and him went on bikes. and we kept talking. its getting better! but now it hurts. mention his name and my heart aches. i cant talk to people bout it. the thought of not seeing him. unfotunatly he goes to the Tuesday rowing session and not the Thursday, so i can only see him on Saturdays. its better than nothing though right?
Anyway.... school on Tuesday! woop di doo! more of the lovely and amazing Mrs Suenson-Taylor! uuughghgg! the worst thing about school is her! i hate her sooo much! DT is alright though, i have a new portfolio now so my work wont fall out of a crappy plastic one the school gave us! i have also sent off the prom designs! yay! and NaNo has started! yay! and Natalie just told me that He is going to be at the Thursday rowing... oh no!

I'm bored, I'm going back to MSN. ill update this either tomorrow or at school on Tuesday.

Love you all


Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Boredom, why am I so bored?

School holidays eh! what can i say. they are sooo boring! There is nothing you can do...
well, there is a lot of things to do, just, we can never be bothered to do them! I mean, i WAS going to go to Thorpe Park today but i couldn't be bothered to get out of my bed! it's a good thing i didn't go as well cos my friend who recently moved to France came and knocked on my door! haven't seen her since the beginning of the summer holidays and i was so pleased to see her! i was still in my pyjamas but who cares?! Like, they are just clothes you wear in bed right! so it doesn't really matter. at least I wasn't naked! i was dressed! just in bed clothes! Anyway! I'm not allowed on Facebook till the weekend! It kinda broke the computer! why is it that whenever i touch the computer, somehow, it dies! i got the BLUESCREEN OF DEATH! if you have ever had the BLUESCREEN OF DEATH! please write a comment on how it happened! it will be most amusing to hear all your weird tales. and i can also find out how many people get the BLUESCREEN OF DEATH! Mary is coming home from France tomorrow! can't wait! i can go to see her on her birthday too, cos i have an excuse to go to her house! i have to give her her present soooo before 6 o'clock i am going to her house and going to give her her present! so she can see me in my DISCO VIKING INFERNO OUTFIT!! Halloween is gonna be greeeat! I'm gonna go so hyper on sugar its gonna be insane! Jess A and i are going to have a movie Marathon as well, Phantom of the Opera, The Matrix Trilogy, Twilight, The Gremlins. those are just 6 of the hundreds of movies we are going to watch on Saturday!

Now, something really straaange! i know a boy called Dominic Strange right (strange by name, strange by nature!) and he told me last night that he has a six pack, and i don't believe him. soooo, next time i see him one of my friends has to judge whether or not he has one. if i win and he DOES NOT have one then he has to kiss my friend Penny! if he wins and he DOES have one then i have to ask out the boy I'm crushing on! Send a comment on this post saying who u think will win this bet, does Dom have one, or not?!

OMG, i am really bored but there is so much to write about in this blog! i haven't stopped typing in about ten minutes! god I'm weird! see! i have no life! I'm spending an eternity typing to you guys! and half the people who read this i see on a daily basis! OMG I'M A WEIRDO! just to let you know the only thing i have eaten/drank today was a cup of tea! with NO sugar! i have no idea why I'm so hyper! I have got rowing tomorrow though! that will be fun! i will be seeing my friend Becky for the first time in 3 weeks(ish) she has been on holiday in Morocco, lucky munchkin! MEEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEEEEEEEEEEEE I'M SOOOOO BOREDDD! AND I CAN'T BE BOTHERED TO FINISH THIS REALLY ANOYING BLOG BECAUSE I HAVE NOTHING ESLE BETTER TO DO!

Ok, i'm gonna try something really cool! i am going to write the next paragraph without looking at the keyboard, then i'm not going to edit it so you can see how well ive learnt how to touch type... ok!? here we go...

hey my nam,r id Amy Dyer and i live in Weybridge with mt brother and mt mam nd mt dad. My mam is called Lixxie and mt dad is called Terry. mt brother id called Eamonn bur we call him ED for short. ED is also his initials! hey im getting the hang of touch typing now. i havent made a mistake yet! i'm doing really well arent i? see how bored i am? im practasing touch tupin in a blod! oh man i made a mistake!

OK I'm bored of that now too! touch typing takes to long! OK I'm gonna save you guys a lot of time doing more valuable things than Reading this crappy thing so I'm gonna end it here for today! maybe something more interesting will come up in the next few days. I'll update this on Friday so don't even bother looking tomorrow because i ain't even gonna bother unless something AMAZING happens (like my Eamonn getting pregnant or something)
Adios Amigos!
Lol i don't even do Spanish....
Auf Wiedersehen meine klein gross Shokolade Pfhankucken!
(Don't know what that means? copy and paste it into a translator if you really want to!)


Monday, 26 October 2009

Ducks, Rain and Awkwardness

Saturday, it was amazing! i was with the bloody ducks from 10:30 to 4:30! i did not leave my post at all for 7 hours! Natalie told him for me though... she told him just before she came to keep me company and just before he went out in his boat to go race. She said that when she told him, he said that he already knew and that he had worked it out. i suppose is was kind of trying to stay away from him from time to time and that i kept smiling when he came in and i kept asking if he was going rowing everyday that he wasn't there etc etc. i didn't go rowing yesterday, i was in bed! according to Natalie he wasn't there either, i expected that though! he only goes when his brother does and his brother was probably moaning bout being tired or something!

Duck feeding was sooo fun! i was bored out of my bloody mind! However every Weybridge boat that went past i cheered for! except Him, i didn't see him go past. honest! i didn't see him! I saw my friends from Weybridge Ladies though! i cheered for them as well! sadly it was raining when i was feeding bloody ducks! a really nice lady who owned a barge wondered if i wanted to go inside out of the rain but i said 'as much as id love to, i have to stay here and feed these ducks!'

HAHAHA! just fell off my chair, Natalie just realised that the boy she fancies has a girlfriend! oh poor dear! Natalie and C****** beans sitting in the baked beans can!
Love you really Natalie

Temtped gets released tomoro, cant wait! i have an excuse to go to Mary's house on her birthday! to give her, her present! yay! she can see my viking outfit! my outfit is sorted, all i need now is viking horns! yay!

got to go now




Friday, 23 October 2009

Ugh, Completely KNACKERED!

Last night was a night to remember for the rest of my life!
So disturbingly dirty and incredibly funny! Jess and I were up dancing to the Time Warp with a whole load of others i.e. the whole crowd! Ainsley Harriet was the Narrator... very funny. All the Narrators have to say this certain bit where the end of the sentence is 'the end of' and the crowd shouted out 'your career' and Ainsley Harriet replied to 'Your Career' by saying 'at least there is couscous!' as he pulled out a packet of his own Couscous! at some point someone shouted out 'Red Tomatoes!' and someone else shouted out 'Green Peppers!'
There is this particular scene where the main character Frank'n'Furter gets into bed with the other two main characters: Brad and Janet. Being a disturbing sexual show and Frank is a Transvestite, he obviously has sex with them! When he was in Brad's bed he went down into the covers and... well gave him a bj... then he came out of the covers and tried talking to Brad and every five seconds he pulls out hair from his mouth, chocking and pulling faces! incredibly funny, i was pissing myself!
The back up singers aka The Company, had to sing this really funny bit in the Time Warp were they made their voices really high pitched! Ha!
At the end when they were bowing and stuff, i was actually screaming in order to get my voice to be heard! i couldn't hear myself shout so i screamed! Wolf whistles and screaming! it was insane!

Jess didn't stay over in the end, she felt a bit sick and we were both very tired! the moment i went to bed i fell asleep!
Woke up this morning cos i thought i had to go to school! I woke up at 7:45 and practically feel out of bed thinking 'oh crap I'm late!' Then i remember that there was no school today so i watched Phantom of the Opera (again!) and cried at the end (again!). Its gonna be hard choosing between The Rocky Horror Show and The Phantom of the Opera as best musical.

I have to go Duck feeding tomorrow... He wasn't at rowing last night so Natalie didn't tell him... she's gonna tell him tomorrow instead. Oh the Nerves!

I'll write again tomorrow.



Thursday, 22 October 2009


Here we go! Jess is here, were singing to songs and practising dance moves! Gonna get changed in a while, make up is gonna be sorted, hair, shoes etc... then we'll go down to my rowing and give in my fees... hopefully see him! then we are going to go off to the show! Fun Fun Fun! Still need to find out were my dance teachers seats are! cos then we can dance crazy dancing together! We can add an Irish twist to it!
Soooooo................. I'm actually really bored! if I'm bored how does Jess feel?

Passing on to Jess (BTW Wat ever she says I'm not editing so its completely from her own typing!!!)

So.......... Looking forward tio going to Amy's rowing to see him!! Lol i've been lookig forward to this for soooooo long!! It's going top be seriously funny but seriously akward :(
Rocky horror is gonna be bloody hilarious!!!!!! Its gonbna be just me and amy (maybe her dance teacher) dancing right at the front!¬!! ME with my Hollister shorts and Amy in her cocktail dress! ROFL!! Well At least school's out!! a whole week to do nothing... shame i have no money :( but me and Amy are havin a movie marathon & there are sooooo many movies i havent watched! Im gonna be soooooooo tired!!
Anyways bk 2 amy xxxx

Soooooo as you can see... Jess can't type or spell words properly on this computer! (she doesn't like my keyboard!)
Natalie is gonna tell him tonight if he shows up and if he doesn't, shes gonna tell him on Saturday whilst I'm out duck feeding.... MAJOR CRINGEY!!
I have a date with the ducks sooooooo sorry, I'm a bit engaged to hear your decision on whether to reject me or not!! :P

Update this again later tonight... maybe... if not tomorrow.....

Nitey nite!
Love from

Amy and Jess


Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Let the Crazy Hyperactive Dancing in a Public Place Begin!

Oh Dear!

The name says it all! Crazy hyperactive dancing in a public place? it has to be at the one.... the only.... the ROCKY HORROR SHOW!!!
Tomorrow, in Woking theatre, i am going to go watch the Rocky Horror Show with one of my best mates, Jessica Armstrong! its gonna be fun dancing to the Time Warp and Sweeeet Transvestite! I'm going as Janet (of course) and I have nooo idea what Jess is going as! She's probably going in a pair of really short Hollister shorts and leggings!!! Ive learnt the words to Five songs in one night! I'm addicted to it now that Ive got tickets to go see it! i can't wait....
My dance teacher has also got tickets to go see this too! and the seats are really close! she'll be laughing at me dancing and singing!!!!

However there is a bad side to this, it means I'm not rowing this Thursday... i do have to go down before the show to give in my membership fees so there is a chance i will see him, but he doesn't usually go on Thursdays. i am DEFIANTLY telling him on Saturday because it is Silver Sculls Head (Rowing race) I'll tell him when he rows past me or something!!!

Hopefully my mum will take photos when we get back from the show and you can see what we looked like! the photos will be on my Facebook.... (friends only)
Ill put some photos up on my next blog...

Can't wait till tomorrow.... i dread Saturday!



Monday, 19 October 2009

Still... I wait

He wasn't at rowing yesterday.
I wasn't able to tell him...
i will though, just cos he wasn't there doesn't mean i wont tell him.
He might come on Thursday, he doesn't usually but if he does ill tell him, or Saturday. It's gonna be hard. he never leaves his brothers side so it'll be hard to tell him in private. I can try and tell him if i help put his boat away or something (its hard to put away his boat! you have too do the limbo between five different boats whilst carrying a crappy wooden boat that has a plastic sheet on it!!!) I still have no idea on how I'm gonna tell him. all my friends say different things when i ask them. it's hard to pick. i also keep thinking about all the different ways he could reject me... the only thing i would hate is if i tell him then he doesn't do Anything at all afterwards. I've had that once already, not again. i told my friend Penny last night that this isn't a crush anymore, i love him and all i have to do is tell him, yet its probably the scariest thing I'm ever gonna have to do.
It's the waiting.... i can't stand it. the longer i think about it the more i don't want to tell him.

So that proves it.... all you people out there picking on me.
Now you know.
I'm not bi, i probably never will be. I've decided who i am. No for gods sake stop picking on Mary. It takes a long time to decide. it took me 4 months to decide on whether or not i should tell him, so it'll probably take a long time for Mary to choose. I'm not bi, so what if i was. its natural for people to think this way.
Just get over it

Yesterday was funny though! James Russell, who i havent seen in aaaagggges, showed up. he thought it be funny to cover me in dirty, soapy water!. sponge on my back, soap everywhere! i grabbed his hat and ran off. he put me in an arm lock, grabbed the hat and covered my arm in soap! i grabbed a sponge to get him back and.... he got the hose!
it was bloody freezing that morning and he covered me in water!
My rowing coach told me to go have a warm shower to warm up... the girls changing room light wouldn't turn on! and i had no towel. so i didnt have a shower, instead i just dried myself with a t-shirt!!! thank god i had spare clothes though! I'm gonna kill him!
James Russell... you do that again.... beware!
(James Ballard if your laughing reading this then your gonna get a slap!)

Wish me luck for Thursday (if he sows up...)



Saturday, 17 October 2009

The Decision Has Been Made...

Here we go,

The anxoius waiting is begining!
I have decided i do not want Natalie to tell him... instead i am... Tomorrow
I'm just gonna tell him just before i leave rowing
It's gonna be for the best though. It might be that he likes me too. Then it'll be good right!?
Both my parents know now, they keep sayin
'yeah we like him, hes a nice boy!'
Ugh, if we end up going out i'm gonna have to tell them... awkward
what if it goes wrong though!?
what if he dosent like me?
i'm gonna have to think positive to get through this, no negative thoughts, just hope for the best! right? thats what your soposed to do? Oh i dont know...

I'll tell you what happens tomorrow

Wish me Luck



Friday, 16 October 2009

The Dawn of a New Age

Back again,

Dawn of a New Age, could mean lots of things...
for me, it means a complete and utter disaster!
Me and Mary... Oh dear!
We have this little joke about the fact that we are so close (friend wise) that we may as well be bisexual! for months we were telling people this and they didn't care. that all changed when Mary changed her relationship status of facebook to 'in a complicated relationship with Amy Dyer'
Now, Mary and I aren't actually bisexual. but we do wonder what it would be like... i.e. bi curious
Don't know what that is? look it up!
Today i had 34 people come up to me and say 'are you bisexual?' or 'are you and Mary going out?'
bloody hell? do i need to spell it out? you're friends with that guy aren't you? he just asked me that.. go ask him!
And it was mainly boys asking me this! I think they think its some kind of mutation!
ugh! i mean, i am most likely to stay straight! being bi curious is in everyone. 70% of the populations teenagers are bi curious, they just haven't realised it yet!
I have a crush on this guy, he goes to my rowing... i don't have a crush on a girl... so I'm straight! i just wonder things that's all! is wondering such a crime?
My dad knows about this! he doesn't care. he is perfectly fine with it if i choose to become bisexual. some people are gay, the country, no, the world needs to get over it! its life...
This one girl in my class just lost quite a big chunk of respect from me today. she said that all gays and bi's should be burned. i don't respect her as much as i should now. if she said that to a gay person, she would probably go to court!

Rowing tomorrow, my crush might be there! hope he is, haven't seen him in two weeks cos he cant be bothered to come down to rowing! Natalie is going to tell him. about me liking him. Nervous
i would tell him, but i would tell him over the phone and he has a new number and I'm to nervous to go and ask for it. so Natalie is going to tell him to his face next Thursday when she gets back from Barcelona, if he comes down that is! ooer... oh the wait!

ill report back soon!



Sunday, 11 October 2009

Conffessions of a Crazy Hyperactive teenager!

Hey guys!

welcome to my blog!

Only started blogging today, thought id give it a go. you never know... i might be good at it!

I will be telling you everything that happens to me from when i wake up to when i go to bed.

So, lets start with the past week.

Sunday 4th

My dad is Irish, so when we found a local Irish dance school starting we couldnt resist. ive been dancing for almost four years now and last sunday i went to one of my compitions (Feis in gaelic). there are two types of dance, Heavy and Lights, depending on the shoes. one of my favourite dances is called the Heavy jig. sooooo.... im at my compition and i have just started to dance the heavy jig when i (amazingy) trip over my own leg and fell flat on my face! Landed on my knee and i twisted my ankle! it was quite amusing at first! bloody hurt though!

Monday 5th to Friday 10th

Ugh! School. Heathside school for the mentally insane people who's parents think homework is good for you! I mean it sucks! and its a waste of paper. think of all the trees being cut down so that we can do homework! its pathetic! and the bloody execise books. why cant we hget little tape recorders and record the lessons and we can listen to them in out sleep. scientists have proved that listening to things in your sleep can help you learn so why not at school.
German - Mrs Bennett (aka Frau Schaf -Mrs Sheep- ) is my German teacher. shes a good teacher, but she cant control our class! we can throw paper airoplanes across the class and she wont care. i hardly learn anything in her lessons! but then, i am really good at german so if i do learn anything, i would have caught onto it and said a paragraphs five tears before anyone else!
Math - Mrs Chow! we love Mrs Chow, like Frau Schaf, she cant control the class but she is still a good teacher. in induction 3 years ago i accidently pinged an elastic band at her head... she blamed the boys behind me!!! x
P.E. - last week of Basketball! thank god! i hate it cos i have to wear my gumshield! last time i played basketball (without my brace) i got smacked in the face with the ball, almost broken my teeth, so i have to wear my gumshield just incase!
Art + Textiles - Best lessons of the week, my strong points. i broke the sewing machine though!
English- Watching Baz Lurhamans Romeo and Juliet, is ok... i dont like Shakespeare
Science - all we did was sit and talk about atoms!!!

ok this is boring now, who carse about school?

Thursday 9th
Haha such a funny night. I go rowing at Weybridge Rowing Club. i have more friends here then i do at school! But because its getting dark quicker now, we have to do land training on the rowing machines. 3 sets of ten minutes... aka Hell! my back hurt sooo much afterwards! thank god that on the weekends i actually go rowing on the river!
My best friend ever (god that makes me sound 6 years old!) Natalie and i were on the machines next to each other, with our iPods in our ears, rocking out to whatever it was that was playing. at one point i think we were both headbanging to something!

Saturday 11th
After Rowing - Guildford Spectrum
Ha, swimming, with Henry, Tom, Becky, Mary and Jodie... Rave in the swimming pool.... literally. we spent half the time in the jacuzzi playing truth or dare! then Backy and Henry took our advice and are now going out with each other! young love. x

So, thats what has happened. Nothing exciting.
Maybe something more exciting next week

